July 3, 2020

As one of the most frequently used rooms in your home, it doesn’t take long for your kitchen to get dirty. You likely clean the countertops and stovetop elements regularly – but when’s the last time you cleaned your kitchen cabinets? 

Here’s what you should keep in mind when tackling this cleaning task.

The Importance of Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets

During meal prep alone, how many times do you open and close your kitchen cabinet doors? And how often are those times when your hands are greasy, wet, or dirty?

Besides acquiring grime from physical touch, kitchen cabinets get dirty on their own, too. Splatters from cooking and steam combine on their doors and undersides, quickly causing a build-up of grime. Like any other surface, cabinets attract and hold dust, too. 

Without regular cleaning, kitchen cabinets quickly become dingy, dull, streaked surfaces. As the focal point of most kitchens, their dirtiness is noticeable; plus, it can sometimes lead to long-term damage.

When to Clean Kitchen Cabinets

You probably don’t have time to complete a thorough cleaning of your kitchen cabinets every week, but you should complete a weekly spot treatment. To do so, use a microfiber cloth sprayed with a multi-purpose cleaner to wipe away markings and disinfect door handles. 

Seasonally, complete a deep clean of your cabinets. Start by emptying all of the contents, then wipe the shelves and doors (both inside and outside) with a microfiber cloth and mild cleaner. Use a clean toothbrush to remove any crumbs found in small crevices and corners. 

Before restocking the shelves, let them dry completely.

Do Use a Mild Cleaner

Leave the harsh chemicals for your sink – they can lead to damage on a kitchen cabinet’s finish or paint. Baking soda, vinegar, or a mild cleaner are usually enough to properly clean your cabinets when combined with hot water and a soft cloth. 

If you find that there are some resistant stains, apply a baking soda paste mixture and let sit for a few minutes. Rub the grime with a damp cloth until it’s gone.

Do Not Soak Your Cabinets

When applying the cleaning solution, be careful to avoid drenching them. Wet the cloth and squeeze it out completely before wiping the cabinets. 

Too much moisture can cause damage such as warping or stains (unless they are waterproof).

Do Use a Final Rinse

After the cabinets have been cleaned with the solution (and any tough stains have been tackled), use a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining solution or grime. Work from the top of the cabinets down to avoid streaking.

Don’t Forget to Dry the Cabinets

Using a tint-free, soft cloth, dry the cabinets completely to encourage a shine. Waiting for them to air dry can lead to damage, like bubbles in the finish or paint.

Protect Your Kitchen Cabinets

Cleaning your kitchen cabinets regularly keeps them looking good for years to come. But cleaning can only do so much – when they start to show signs of wear, it may be time to consider replacing or refinishing your cabinets.

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